Letting Go Of Grief During The Holidays + Affirmations

The holidays are a time of remembrance, nostalgia, and celebration. It can be overwhelming. If you’ve lost a loved one, feel alone, or had a major change. Holiday time is like another reminder of the triggers. The grief is real, and it is okay to feel it. But interspersed over time peace and gratitude should replace it. If you are still struggling with old grief during the holidays, here are some tips to help. But if you’re just here for the affirmations, scroll on down.

If you want to SURVIVE and THRIVE during the holidays, check out this blog post here.

Create New Traditions

Creating new traditions and or modifying old ones is a great way to remember and memorialize your loved ones. If the grief is a loss of someone that isn’t so much loved, then making your own holiday traditions is a great way to empower yourself to be yourself even more fully without them. There are so many things you could do—plant a tree, bake an old recipe, write a letter, create a playlist, visit meaningful places, and start practicing gratitude.

Be Present to Gratitude

Whether the grief is of a loved one and or letting go of a toxic situation, gratitude is a game changer to help you be more present to your life and relationships now. Remember what it is that can be enjoyed about the holidays, make up what you want the holidays to be and feel like, and make it happen. You are free now.

Be Realistic

Don’t beat yourself up if you still feel sad. It is understandable. Change is hard. New life transitions are hard. Don’t take on more than you can handle. It is ok to say “No” during the holidays. Stick to what you know you want to do and can do. Let others take care of the rest.

Take time to really set your priorities during the holidays. If rest is what is needed—then rest!

Take care of yourself

I feel like this is a recurring theme on the blog: Take care of yourself, lean on support, be brave, and ask for help. I have so many clients that come to me and they are so exhausted giving and giving and giving. There has to be some outlet, and there is so much that can bottle up and burst during this time, it makes it doubly important to find what brings you joy—and then DO IT. Even if it is just one appointment, it can make a real difference. It could launch you into a healthier self.

Here is a video of affirmations to say when you are tapped out and can’t give any more:

Breathe after each of the affirmations below to let go:

Forgiveness and Affirmations To Let Go Of Grief And Have Peace During The Holidays

I give myself for believing I have to feel grief during the holidays.

I forgive myself for believing that this grief will always be this way.

I forgive myself for every time I hurt someone's feelings with my grief.

I forgive myself for believing this anger and grief during the holidays can't change.

I forgive myself for believing that someone else has to change before I can let go of the anger and grief and feel more peace.

I forgive myself for believing there's no peace with my family.

I forgive myself for believing that because there's no peace with my family I can't have any peace in my heart.

I forgive myself for holding on to this anger and grief.

I forgive others for hurting my feelings when they feel anger and grief during the holidays.

I forgive others when they make the holiday drama and stress.

I give others permission to forgive me for blaming them for why I feel anger and grief during the holidays.

I give others permission to forgive me when I make the holiday drama and stress.

I forgive myself for believing it's my duty to be stressed and uncomfortable and sad during the holidays.

I forgive myself for believing that if I enjoy my holiday then I am disrespecting my family.

I love and accept myself even when I'm afraid grief and anger will always be a part of the holidays.

I love and accept myself even when I'm afraid I can't have peace during the holidays.

I give myself permission to feel more relaxed during the holidays.

Without this grief and anger I am free to show up differently in my family and have more peace.

Without this grief and anger I am free to enjoy and relax the way my loved ones and ancestors would want me to during this time.

Without this anger and grief I can be more present to the people that I love the most.

Without this anger and grief I can show up and choose the family that chooses to love me the way that I need to be loved.

Without this anger and grief no one else has to change before I can feel peace and enjoy my life and my Holiday Time.

I give myself permission to accept I have access to peace always anytime holidays or not.

I give myself permission to feel more worthy of love and relaxation and peace during this time.

I give myself permission to embrace the spirit of Celebration that all my loved ones, past and present, want me to have.

Holidays do not have to be a constant reminder of loss or loneliness. The holistic therapy Emotional Polarity Technique at open heart can help. If you or someone that you know is struggling to get through the holidays. Now is the time to reach out for support and make an appointment.


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